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FAQ - eFoster Parent Program

1) How much does it cost to be an eFoster Parent?

The annual fee for participation in the eFoster Parent Program is based on the annual budget required to run the organization. 

2) How does my annual fee help my eFoster Child?

Your financial support will help provide food and water, medical supplies, clothing, hygiene items, school fees, and much more for your eFoster Child and all of the other children at the orphanage.

3) How should my eFoster Child address me?

Mom? Dad? Aunty? Uncle? Or by your name? There is no rule on this. It is whatever is comfortable with you. They may first call you mom or dad. If it feels comfortable with you, fine. If not, just let them know how you would like to be addressed.

4) Can I email pictures?

Sure! They will love them. Most of the children enjoy knowing who is in your family, their names, your pets, where you live, etc. Try to keep the file size manageable.

5) Can I send gifts or pocket money?

This is a tough one. When sending anything it is always good to ask yourself, "How will this affect the other children in and around the orphanage?" If you feel that you must send something, please make sure it is very simple and inexpensive; a framed picture of you and your family, a t-shirt or hat, or an inexpensive watch. School supplies, very simple clothing, and hair adornments for girls are best. But you really don’t need to send anything. Please do not send money as it usually causes problems. The only exception would be special requests from the staff for specific projects (like the $80 for the Bicycle Fund). Direct gifts to a specific child are completely voluntary and non-tax-deductable by IRS guidelines.

6) What about birthdays?

In the past this was a problem, as some children would get presents from their eFoster Parents but many would get nothing. We have solved this problem by providing for a group birthday party for all of the children who are celebrating their birthday that month. The staff will buy a nice big cake for the birthday kids to share along with a gift of school supplies, clothing, or hygiene items. (This is an optional item that you may donate towards when you receive an invoice for annual support.)

7) Can I visit my child and the orphanage?

Absolutely! It is encouraged. Visiting your eFoster Child at his/her orphanage will be a trip of a lifetime. Our staff must coordinate all visits. Please complete a Visitation Request Form and submit it to us in a timely manner, preferably not later than one month before your intended travel.

8) Can my child visit us here in the U.S.?

Generally, we do not encourage this because of false expectations of support, immigration, etc. There have been rare instances when an individual has sponsored a child to study for a brief time in the U.S. However, this has been and remains independent of the eFoster Parent Program and the support or sponsorship of eGlobal Family.

9) How long will my eFoster Child stay at the orphanage?

This may vary with each child and each orphanage. As a general rule, children stay in the orphanage until or even a while after they graduate high school. Some may even stay in the orphanage while attending advanced education or vocational training. After high school, they are encouraged to find part-time work and move out when they are able to support themselves.

10) What if my eFoster Child leaves the orphanage?

Sometimes younger children leave the orphanage when a family member requests them. Older children are sometimes dismissed for behavioral problems or they just want to get out on their own and work. This can be difficult for an eFoster Parent who has bonded with their child. However, we can take comfort in knowing that we helped the child when they were most in need and have better prepared them for a brighter, independent future. If a child prematurely leaves, we hope that their eFoster Parent may consider beginning a new relationship with one of the many other orphaned and vulnerable children we serve.

11) Where can I get donation information or ask further questions?

Contact: Contact
Facebook: eGlobal Family Page

eGlobal Family
PO Box 2536
Honolulu, HI 96804-2536

Phone Toll Free:  855.709.KIDS

FLO girl with scrapbook
