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Advanced Education

eGlobal Family's Advanced Education (AE) Program was created to provide opportunities for eFoster Children to further their education after high school. Qualified students are eligible to receive scholarships to attend university or a vocational training school.

During their final year of high school, students meet regularly with orphanage staff/counselors to discuss their intentions after graduation. These young adults are encouraged to pursue an area of study or vocational skill of their choosing, but are also guided to fields that are in demand in the local job market. It is one of the AE Program's goals to help the students become highly desirable and qualified potential employees when the time comes for them to start their careers.

Most universities offer 4-year degrees while vocational schools usually offer 1-2 year certification programs. During or after the first year in the AE Program, all students begin to search for part-time jobs. While gaining valuable work experience, they also begin the transition of adjusting to a life outside their institution. By the start of the second year, most students earn enough money to provide their own room and board. During this time, many students elect or are encouraged to move out on their own. Even when this happens, all the students remain in regular contact with their institution's staff and still receive tuition funding and other financial support from the AE Fund.

Currently, there are 20-30 students receiving full or partial funding through the AE Program at any given time. Students are studying in a variety of academic fields and industries. Business administration, IT, cooking, accounting, mechanics, tourism and hotel management are a few of the popular areas of study.

With the first participants in the AE Program graduating in recent years, nearly all of them have been able to obtain well-respected jobs in their communities or nearby cities. It is eGlobal Family's hope that in the near future, some of AE graduates will begin to "give back" to their institutions - teaching English for a year after graduation, volunteer tutoring, or becoming a part of the orphanage staff.

Learn more about how you can fund an Advanced Education Scholarship.

AE Students at FLO

Sambath Yann (right) and Srey Sey Yi (left) are students in eGlobal Family's Advanced Education Program.  Sambath is a third year student at Norton University studying computer programming. Srey Sey is a second year student studying accounting at Vanda Institute.
