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Scholarship Fund

When students graduate from high school they also graduate from the eFoster Child Program and are eligible to enter the Advanced Education (AE) Program. The funding for each young person in the AE Program is dependent on the amount of support eGlobal Family is able to raise for the program.

eFoster Parents choosing to continue funding their foster child's higher education are encouraged to donate directly to the AE Program. It is not required that you have an eFoster Child to support the AE Program.

The average amount required to support a student's advanced education depends upon the annual budget required to operate the program.  In general, tuition in these countries is very low but may vary from year to year.  Your donation includes the costs of tuition, books, supplies, lunch money, and for the first year, continued residency at their orphanage. By the beginning of the second year of AE, students are encouraged to find part or full time jobs and to move out of their institution. This lowers their yearly costs for their education.

eGlobal Family in cooperation with our partner institutions do our best to manage the AE Program as economically as possible and invest wisely in these promising young adults. A donation of any size to the AE Program will go directly towards these students who are pursuing their higher education and vocational goals.

Donate to the AE Program.

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